Packaging ordinance gives way to recyclables-bin
The packaging ordinance, in german: „VerpackV“ or „Verpackungsverordnung“ currently requires a license from each manufacturer or importer, who starts to trade a certain product first time in germany. It’s a license from one of ten recycling system operators. Thus the requested „Duale System“commits itself to care about the collecting, the sorting out and preparation for re-utilisation of used packaging. For this service, the manufacturer has to pay a license fee, that is measured by the weight of the packaging.
You are aiming to decrease the license fees? Then you have reached the right place. Up to 30 percent we have saved so far for our packaging customers after having started serving them. We know the market conditions. We know the serious players and the other ones. Please find furthers details in our service offer.
By the way: Don’t take the packaging ordinance to easy. Professional purchasers as well as customers oftenly ask for insight into license confirmations, before they order. Frequently they ask even in controlling authorities of the leading german organisation „Duales System“ directly, whether the questioned licence contract of the manufacturer or trader exists indeed.
The notified „Wertstoffgesetz“ (untranslatable so far) will cause far-reaching changes. In preparing this law communal circles discuss with privately organised recycling companies about questions like: Who really owns ready-to-use-materials or the right to collect packaging, to recycle and to bargain with it? ¬ But: Other than planned the new „Wertstoffgesetz“ won’t be enacted before 2016.
Any questiones concerning „VerpackungsVerordnung“? Or you are looking for a reasonable licencer? Ask us, we can surely help: +49-40-73 71 77 78.