Basics of the Packaging Ordinance
The latest version of the EU Packaging Ordinance (Link zu Download) is valid as a modification since 2009. Since then service providers, entrepreneurs or private persons, who are professionally engaged in trading, may distribute packagings only after being registered within one of nine active, licensed dual systems.
Regarded as packaging is all kind of packaging that ends up at the consumers, like cardboard, polystyrene or adhesive tape. Considered as consumers are following the VerpackV (German version of the EU Packaging Ordinance) restaurants, hotels, smaller handcraft manufacturers, recreation facilities and even hospitals. There are no limits for free trade or for trading minor quantities.
Whoever brings more than 80 tons of glass, 50 tons of paper or cardboard , 30 tons of plastics, aluminum, tinplate or composites in circulation annually, must submit a declaration of completeness (in German: Vollständigkeitserklärung). This declaration is to deposit electronically – proven by a public accountant or tax adviser – within the German Chamber of Commerce ( til May 1st of the following year.
The following dual systems are accredited nationwide in Germany:
- BellandVision GmbH
- Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland GmbH
- ELS Europäische Lizenzierungssysteme GmbH
- INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH
- Landbell AG
- Reclay Vfw GmbH
- RKD Recycling Kontor Dual GmbH & Co. KG
- Veolia Umweltservice Dual GmbH
- Zentek GmbH & Co. KG
Complementary to sales packagings there are transport packagings; those are used for protection via transports and are only being used for professional trade. These packagings don’t have to be registered within a so-called licenser. Suppliers and customers are free to deal out the take-pack-procedures and costs among themselves. In most cases the distributor is taking over the costs, which are generally significantly lower than for sales packagings.
If and for how long the Packaging Ordinance will remain untouched in its current performance is hard to foresee (please pay attention to „Packaging ordinance gives way to recyclables-bin".
Just call us, if you want to get your packagings license at optimised expenses: +49-40-73 71 77 78.