Since 2006 the disposal of used electrical and electronic products must be secured by the manufacturers. Thus the contracting with a disposal partner is almost essential.
Foundation EAR, responsible for the disposal orders, doesn’t care about regional aspects while managing its orders. That means, a manufacturer from Berlin has possibly to let dispose a container from the isle of Sylt in the far north on one day, and one from Passau in the very south of Germany, the other day.

The take-back-orders are directed to an algorithm related to the market share of a manufacturer at a certain time. While manufacturers with big market shares are receiving relatively many take-back-orders, such with smaller market shares will get notably less, weighed out by proportion, at best. 
Which disposal partner is the right one for you, isn’t to answer without a deeper check. Important is, that the disposal partner performs the rules of ElektroG (WEEE), that he is represented nation-wide and able to demonstrate years of experience. Most undertakers firstly watch out for costs, others care about morality, asking whether the recycling is executed via a social institution or whether the disposal partner runs his own recycling court.
Together with you, we’ll find the right disposal partner, because by monitoring the market permanently, when reach the highest possible transparency. Our suggestions orientate on nothing else but your requirements. Since the beginning of the time of responsibility for manufacturers we are bundling the requests in our hands to improve our position for negotiating with the disposal partners – with great success. Thereby we secure  far more attractive conditions than one manufacturer would be able to be by dealing it out on his own. 

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