As manufacturer of luminaires you can take yourself a bit more time as manufacturers of lamps.  But be aware that the rules will change March 1st, 2014, what requires a quick performance of the new EU-directives and -ordinances.

Are you attaching the lamp to the lighting or do you distribute lights with rigidly fixed lamps? Big difference there, please read information for lamp manufacturers. These rules might cover your business as well and already now.

And please take care about the far reaching duties, implanted with effect from 2014:

  • The new WEEE-directive now covers lighting products under its roof. That means, that with the ElektroG-modification after a transitional period lighting for households will have be to registered within Foundation EAR. Up to now lighting products were being excepted from registration duties.
  • Additionally from march 1st, 2014 you are due to act according to Energy Efficiency Labeling Ordinance EU 874/2012, which also foresees labeling for lighting products.

As always, there are exceptions being made as well. Just ask us: +49-40-73717779.


Already within the process of production there are new rules to care about. Even if your supplier knows them or at least is pretending to and to seemingly acts accordingly) in the end you are responsible for your products in Germany and Europe.

  • Are you sure to having cared about the following rules?
  • the Eco-Design-Directive (valid from September 1st, 2013),
  • the ban of hazardous materials laid down in RoHS 2, valid since May 1st, 2013),
  • the German Devices Safety Act (ProdSG, valid since December 2011),
  • the CE-Directive?



Even before ordering lighting products the preparation and decisions for a correct labeling should be executed properly. The questions are:

  • What about the CE-label?
  • Are all notes given in harmony with the German Product Safety Act (ProdSG)?

Think as well about the packaging design (Link zu druckvorlagen). Hereby the new Energy Efficiency Label will play a dominant role from March 1st, 2014. Further on the early caring of WEEE-labels is regarded as important.

In Germany itself:

Further rules have to be cared about in Germany especially, like

Please be aware of the requirements of the CE-directive and of RoHs2, regarding the use of hazardous materials and the related technical information for both of them, which have to be stored years long.

Just call us, we are here for your purposes: +49-40-73 71 77 79.

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WELECON-Garantie für 2023 anerkannt


Für sämtliche Gerätearten kann ab sofort die insolvenzsichere WELECON-Garantie für 2023 beantragt werden. Wir senden Ihnen gern ein Angebot zu: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Amazon-Kontrollpflicht erst ab 01.07.2023


Händler, die auf Plattformen wir Amazon, Ebay & Co. verkaufen, haben in Deutschland ein halbes Jahr länger Zeit, ihre ElektroG-Registrierung gegenüber den Plattformen nachzuweisen. Das beschloss der Bundesrat am 25.11.2022.

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"Entsorgungsgebühren" für LED sind keine Pflicht


Aktuell werden LED-Vertreiber von einigen Herstellern aufgefordert, für LED eine so genannte "Entsorgungsgebühr" zu zahlen. Wichtig: Diese Anweisung stammt nicht von der Stiftung EAR.

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Einfache Powerbanks sind Batterien


Powerbanks, die nur den Ladestand anzeigen, fallen nicht unter das ElektroG. Das gilt auch, wenn mehrere Ladeschnittstellen vorhanden sind, teilt die Stiftung EAR in einer Anwendungshilfe mit.

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Händlerrücknahmepflicht: Ab Juni 2017 droht Bußgeld


Händler, die trotz Rücknahmeverpflichtung keine Altgeräte von Endnutzern zurücknehmen, droht ein Bußgeld von bis zu 100.000 Euro.

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