In preparing the  ElektroG (German performance of WEEE - waste of electrical and electronic equipment) the German ministry of environment and several associations of manufacturers came to terms that performing the new rule shouldn’t be left over to a monopolistic giant like DSD (Deutsches Duales System) in the case of the packaging ordinance had been before. 
Starting from this baseline and with the desire to draw manufacturers deeper into the further process, in 2004 the Foundation EAR was born (Stiftung Altgeräte Register). Thus it appeared to be a judicable public foundation of the German civil rights. Foundation members are, besides several manufacturer associations (like Bitcom or ZVEI), mostly leading companies of the electronic industry (like  Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte, Dell, Miele, Philips, Siemens, Sony or Vodafone).

In July 2005 the Foundation EAR had been granted with the national sovereignty from the German ministry of environment to execute all necessary tasks given, practically requiring the status of an authority.  Foundation EAR is responsible for the registrations of the manufacturers, hands out and coordinates take-back- and disposal-orders of containers and takes care about the fulfilling of its orders. Foundation chairman of Stiftung EAR was Hartmut Theusner, who in 2010 was followed by his so far substitute, attorney Alexander Goldberg, under whose leadership EAR operated remarkably smoother.

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